With rare transparency, this author writes about the seasons of her life. In doing so, she also shares stories of women in the Bible. Shedding new light on the path each one had traveled.
This book is high on my favorite book list for 2019. Robin Jones Gunn leaves the reader encouraged to follow their dreams. No matter the season of life, it’s never too late to dream a new dream.
“What if we could see the bigger picture of our lives as God sees it? Would our view radically change if we understood that His grace covers us and everything is redeemable?
We are directed in Romans 12:1 to present ourselves as a living sacrifice -- a victim. Not a victim of circumstances, but victims of the unfailing mercy of God. We can do nothing to stop Him from loving us. His mercies are new every morning.” ~ Robin Jones Gunn
Robin Jones Gunn is the author of the popular Christy Miller series for teens. Her best-selling Father Christmas novels have been made into three Hallmark movies. She’s written over 100 books.

Dr. Rita
Stories that Touch the Heart.
Romance is a big part of her novels; hope is an even larger element of her stories. She is the author of the popular Serenity Cove series.
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